Tuesday, April 14, 2020

April 14 - COVID-19 in Westchester County, NY

Here are the updated charts with data through April 13, 2020. Click on a chart to enlarge it.

Hospitalizations at the state level and in NYC continue to go down.  Unfortunately, Westchester does not publish their hospitalization rate. The history for NYC is shown below.

NYC Hospitalizations

Deaths in Westchester went down for the second day in a row (orange line). That is not enough data to declare that it is a trend.

New cases for NYC, Westchester, and Nassau all declined, but there was also reduced testing. Was that a result of the Easter weekend or a real change in the requests for tests?  The percent of results coming back postive is still over 40%, indicating that tests are still being rationed.

Bergamo, Italy is still struggling to get their new cases below 100.  They first dropped below 100 a week ago, but continue to hover at that rate. I could not find the death rate for that province, but the death rate in Italy overall is dropping. The blue curve is the best fit of the Westchester data to a gaussian distribution.  The orange curve fits the early Westchester data, but uses a duration similar to the duration of the epidemic in Bergamo.

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