Tuesday, May 15, 2018

100 BLOGS! May 15, 1768 at the Colden Store, Coldengham, New York

Sunday May 15, 1768
Coldengham, New York
Store of Cadwallader Colden, Jr.

100 Blogs

Two hundred and fifty years ago today, the store in Coldengham sat quiet. It was closed as was its normal practice in observance of the Sabbath Day. No entries were made in the DayBook.


Search the DayBook

This article is one in a series of a daily accountings of Colden Store transactions. Be sure you read the first installment for an introduction to the store. You should also read this article which appeared in the Journal of the Orange County Historical Society.


This is my 101th blog on the Colden DayBook. I started on January 15th, the anniversary of the death of Joel Campbell (eponym of this blog). By that date, about a quarter of the DayBook had been transcribed, or about 3000 entries. I thought that was enough to begin an analysis of the items purchased in blog format.

Today, about three months later, over 75% of the DayBook has been transcribed - over 9000 items!

There are still new discoveries after 100 blogs. I have found that some sales were seasonal. For example, flaxseed was purchased by the store predominantly in September through November. There are new insights into lime kilns, tanneries, fabric dyes, coins and notes in circulation, food and drink preferences, and religious affiliations.

The store had sales on just about every day except Sunday, and there was always some person or item I found interesting to talk about. Here is a list of the Blog Titles.  I was too lazy to hyperlink each one, but you can easily find the article by locating its date in the right navigation panel. They were all written in 2018.

001 INTRO (Jan 15)
002 ALMANAC (Jan 16)
003 CLOSED (Jan 17)
004 RUM (Jan 18)
005 SLEIGH (Jan 19)
006 SHOES (Jan 20)
007 BRIMSTONE (Jan 21)
008 CLOTH (Jan 22)
009 DYES (Jan 23)
010 HATS (Jan 25)

011 CIDER (Jan 27)
012 TEA (Jan 28)
013 McCOLLUM (Jan 29)
014 WHEAT (Jan 30)
015 McKINNEY (Feb 1)
016 GRAHAM (Feb 2)
017 DOCTOR HILL (Feb 3)
018 MILLIKEN (Feb 4)
019 DUBOIS  (Feb 5)
020 CAMPBELL (Feb 6)

021 SUNDAY (Feb 7)
022 COMBS (Feb 8)
023 HOGSHEADS (Feb 9)
024 INKHORN  (Feb 10)
025 BELKNAP  (Feb 11)
026 PINS  (Feb 12)
027 CRIST (Feb 13)
028 TALKETT  (Feb 15)
029 BUTTONS (Feb 16)

031 GIMBLETS (Feb 18)
032 FILES (Feb 19)
033 BOYCOTT  (Feb 20)
034 OZENBRIGS (Feb 22)
035 LINEN (Feb 23)
036 NAILS (Feb 24)
037 BED CORD (Feb 25)
038 CHOCOLATE (Feb 26)
039 CLERKS (Feb 27)
040 POWDER  (Feb 29)

041 FORKS  (Mar 1)
042 HINGES  (Mar 2)
043 SUGAR  (Mar 3)
044 BEATTY  (Mar 4)
045 MILLBOOK (Mar 5)
046 BIBLE  (Mar 6)
047 CUPS (Mar 7)
048 ELECTION  (Mar 8)
049 BEESWAX  (Mar 10)
050 BUCKLES (Mar 11)

051 COFFEE (Mar 12)
052 SNUFF (Mar 14)
053 GLOVES (Mar 15)
054 GAMMON (Mar 16)
055 ST PATRICK (Mar 17)
056 ADZE (Mar 18)
057 EVERLASTING (Mar 19 - Saturday)
058 HORSE (Mar 21)
059 LOGISTICS (Mar 22)
060 BILLS OF CREDIT (Mar 23)

061 SCYTHES  (Mar 24)
062 ACADEMY  (Mar 25)
063 SOAP (Mar 26)
064 McCAY (Mar 28)
065 AXE (Mar 29)
066 ATHLONE HAT (Mar 30)
067 BEEF  (Mar 31)
068 WINE (Apr 1)
069 CRAVAT (Apr 4)
070 DAY OF PRAYER (Apr 5)

071 STOCKINGS (Apr 6)
073 TANNING (Apr 9)
074 HUGH CALHOON (Apr 11)
075 ROBERT BOYD (Apr 12)
076 CHAMBER POT (Apr 13)
077 COPPERS (Apr 14)
078 NIPPERS (Apr 15)
079 IRON POT (Apr 17 - Sunday) Error in Numbering?
080 COPPERAS (Apr 19 - Tuesday)

081 PAPER (Apr 21 - Thursday)
082 LIME (Apr 22 - Friday)
083 SALT (Apr 23 - Saturday) Monday's Mercury reaches Coldengham
084 SPECTACLES (Apr 24 - Sunday) Error in numbering?
085 NUTMEG (Apr 25 - Monday)
086 BUTTER (Apr 26 - Tuesday)
087 WILTON (Apr 27 - Wednesday)
088 MOHAIR (Apr 28 - Thursday)
089 PIPES (Apr 29 - Friday)
090 SAMUEL CAMPBELL (Apr 30 - Saturday)

091 DRAWKNIFE (May 2 - Monday)
092 COMMON PRAYER BOOK (May 3 - Tuesday)
093 GALATIAN (May 5 - Thursday)
094 FLAX (May 6 - Friday)
095 BONNETS (May 7 - Saturday)
096 TALLOW (May 9 - Monday)
097 MONELL (May 10 - Tuesday)
098 SHALLOON  (May 11 - Wednesday)
099 SHEEP SHEARS (May 12 - Thursday) Thursday Ascension Day
100 WOOL CARDS (May 14 - Saturday)


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