Sunday, October 21, 2018

MILL BOOK! October 21, 1768 at the Colden Store, Coldengham, New York

Friday, October 21, 1768
Coldengham, New York
Store of Cadwallader Colden, Jr.

Mill Book - Revisited

Doctor John Hill purchased one-half Ct (believed to be the British 'hundredweight' (cwt) or about 100 pounds) of fine flour at the Colden Store on this day, 250 years-ago. He had been charged for this item on June 4 in the Mill Book, yet the entry debited another seven shillings to his account.

October 21, 1768 Entry for Doctor John Hill in Colden Day Book. Collections of New-York Historical Society.

Colden's Mill was discussed in a prior blog, however the number of transactions on this date involving the Mill Book suggest a second look is appropriate.  This may be as close to understanding the Mill Book as we can get.


Search the DayBook

This article is one in a series of a daily accountings of Colden Store transactions. Be sure you read the first installment for an introduction to the store. You should also read this article which appeared in the Journal of the Orange County Historical Society.


Today's transactions included ten that mentioned the Mill Book. They were all debits for charges in the Mill Book from earlier in the year. The entries included bran, middlings, wheat, rye, and corn. Clearly the mill serviced a wide range of grains and had the ability to bolt (sift) the milled flour.

George Ellems took delivery of three-quarters cwt (about seventy-five pounds) of middlings which were the cereal removed from the wheat flour during the bolting (sifting) process. It is interesting that he paid just as much for this product as Doctor Hill paid for the same amount of fine flour.

October 21, 1768 Entry for George Ellems in Colden Day Book. Collections of New-York Historical Society.

It is not clear if these shoppers were taking deliveries on this date, or if Colden was just updating his books. It may have been the latter as why would all of these persons appear at the store on the same date to take delivery of milled goods? Hopefully the Mill Book will appear in the future or more information will come to light about this operation near the Colden Store.


Search the DayBook

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