Thursday, August 30, 2018

FARRINGTON! August 30, 1768 at the Colden Store, Coldengham, New York

Tuesday, August 30, 1768
Coldengham, New York
Store of Cadwallader Colden, Jr.

Captain Farrington

William Thomson received a credit for a firkin of butter for Captain Farrington at the Colden Store on this day, 250 years-ago. Thomson also received credit for the 'Cag' that contained the butter.


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This article is one in a series of a daily accountings of Colden Store transactions. Be sure you read the first installment for an introduction to the store. You should also read this article which appeared in the Journal of the Orange County Historical Society.


The Farrington surname is mentioned only four times in the Day Book so it is presumed that this family did not live close to the store. The fact that the family head is referred to as 'Captain' may indicate that his purchases were made in an official capacity. One purchase was fifty-six pounds of butter. Today's transaction was a credit to William Thomson for seventy-six pounds of butter provided to Farrington.

The other two purchases involving Farrington were "sundries' delivered to Steven Farrington by Peter DuBois and two-and-one-half yards of Linen purchased by Margaret Farrington.

Because Farrington was acquainted with DuBois and did not appear in future assessments, suggests he may have sided with the loyalists, causing him to 'disappear' from records of the Revolution. However, the DayBook leaves proof of his existence in Ulster County (and his love for butter.)


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