Saturday, July 28, 2018

VAN KEUREN! July 28, 1768 at the Colden Store, Coldengham, New York

Thursday, July 28, 1768
Coldengham, New York
Store of Cadwallader Colden, Jr.

Hendrick Van Keuren

Hendrick (Hendrecus) Van Keuren Jr. purchased one-quarter pound of Indigo, a pair of wool cards, a paper of pins, and a gallon each of molasses and West Indian the Colden store on this day, 150 years-ago.

Van Keuren Home on Goodwill Road


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This article is one in a series of a daily accountings of Colden Store transactions. Be sure you read the first installment for an introduction to the store. You should also read this article which appeared in the Journal of the Orange County Historical Society.


Hendrick Van Keuren was about thirty years of age on this date. In the 1779 tax assessment for Hanover Precinct he had 215 acres of land and £570 of personal property.

At the start of the revolution he served as a Captain of one of the local companies of militia. My relatives, Samuel and Ezekiel Campbell, were in his company. In 1787 he was a trustee of the Montgomery Academy, a well regarded school for boys.

He lived close to the Goodwill church (see stone home above), had his children baptized there, and is proportedly buried there.


Search the DayBook

1 comment:

  1. Thank you for all your work on this daybook. Not only the names and what was purchased, but the education about the items purchased. It's an amazing resource.
