In 1714, Robert lived in Newark, New Jersey and was responsible for maintaining a section of the fence that kept grazing animals out of the town center.
Newark was founded in 1666. The homes were laid out along a main street (Broad Street) that ran almost directly south from the Training Place ("C") and Market Place ("E").
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1668 Map of Newark. Note that "North" is approximately to the right. The Ks denote paths leading to the meadow and J denotes the Common Fence. |
The Common Fence, the responsibility for its maintenance and inspection, and the penalties for failing to maintain it, were common topics at the town meetings. The enumeration of responsibilities for surveyors, regulators, viewers, pounders, and maintainers provides researchers with some of the best lists of town residents and their relevant properties.
Fence line responsibilities were tabulated at the May 7, 1668, February 6, 1677, and October 19, 1681 town meetings. These tables contained each town member's name and the length of fence in his care. The measurement was in rods. In the 1681 entry, the rod pole was given to be 16 feet 9 inches long.
The fence was a large topic of conversation at the town meeting of April 28, 1714. The table of fence maintainers included "Robert Camell." Robert Campbell, grandfather of Joel, was known to be a resident of Newark, and owned several parcels to the west of the town center.
The list was titled “The Names of ye Persons Concerned in ye Sd Common Line, with their Proportion of fence annexed to their Names Successively, beginning at ye bound Creek and Thence Runing Northwardly to ye Main River.”
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Partial list of fence assignments from Newark Town Meeting of April 28, 1714, p.127 of Records, Town of Newark 1666-1835, The New Jersey Historical Society, Newark. |
The minutes of the meeting specified “That all ye Common Line fence Shall be Deemed & Esteemed Sufficient, when it is made and Maintained According to ye Act of General Assemblely, & not otherwise, Excepting from ye Bound Creek to ye Bridge by ye Two mile brook Landing, and John Bradburys by ye Main River: which Shall be made So as to Secure ye Neck & Then it Shall be accounted Sufficient, & not otherwise.”
Robert Campbell was assigned a very short section of fence, 10 links (about 7 feet). Of the 74 assignments, only four were shorter. The longest assignment went to George Day of 561 feet, the average being about 60 feet. Did Robert own property abutting the fence, or was this just an arbitrary assignment?
Summing all of the assignments, gives a fence that is 66 chains and 60 links in length, or 0.83 miles. However, from the 1916 historical map, the shortest distance between the Passaic River and Bound Creek is about 2.2 miles. This discrepancy is most likely due to a relocation of Bound Creek between 1714 and 1916.
If one assumes that the distances from the Passaic River are correct, then Robert Campbell's fence was about 2600 feet south of the river or centered at the current intersection of McCarter Highway and Green Street. [Latitude/Longitude 40.73079, -74.16864] That also places the "Two Mile Brook" a few feet south of that point. Could this be the stream shown in the lower part of the 1668 Map?
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Modern Newark Street Map showing estimated location of Robert Campbell's fence assignment based on distance from main river using measurements from April 28, 1714 records. |